Newbrook Capital
Challenge: Leverage the asset you already have - data
Today’s businesses have mountains of data.
We spoke with Newbrook Capital director Dave Armstrong about extracting value out of his untapped resource using OrbViz’ Bubbles tool.
“I saw what OrbViz had done with finance data, and it made me realise the gold sitting in my own spreadsheets. I thought, “hold on: I can actually do something with this and turn it into something quite valuable for my clients.””
Solution: Set your data free to build your business
Newbrook Capital connects businesses and money through debt and venture capital.
Dave: “The two biggest questions our clients have are, “Who do I talk to?” and “How can I value my business?”
Dave had tonnes of investment data and saw OrbViz as a tool to create and inform community: to help business find relevant funds and investors find investments.
Dave: “For us, OrbViz is a collaborative platform across different sectors within the capital market. It’s “Google for money” for New Zealand.”
Implementation: Optimising features, interactivity and analytics
As an Excel wizard, it was a cinch for Dave to upload his data and see it transform into interactive, moving bubbles. He refined the data, created pie charts, bar graphs and summary tables and then focussed on giving context to the New Zealand investment story with videos, photos, links and text.
“If you’re going to do something, do it right. It looks really flash now.”
Outcomes: Reaching new markets and presenting with impact
Newbrook Capital’s OrbViz site is a value-add for clients, but its key purpose is to drive awareness of Newbrook in new markets. The rich SEO and site analytics allow Newbrook to target markets and analyse visitor behaviour and interest.
There was also an unexpected benefit.
Dave: “I’ve had amazing feedback – everyone I’ve shown it to absolutely loves it and it’s actually become a presentation tool. I had to present at a conference virtually, and full of Covid, and they said it’s the best presentation they’ve ever seen. Quite repeatedly people say to me, “I’ve never seen anything like this.” They’re quite blown away by the concept of it.